China, South Africa, and child education. 

Will South Africa ever reach parity with China ?

South Africa needs to overhaul its educational approach for children. Creating a system of boarding schools that provides lodging, meals, and education is essential. Such an initiative must take precedence, as it is a critical move toward matching the educational standards of developed nations. Achieving this begins with early childhood education. Our current situation, where natives grow up in tin shanties with a dirt floor, poses a significant obstacle to advancement. The boarding school approach has been proven effective, similar to the comprehensive support provided to white children by the previous administration.

China. South Africa. Child Education.mp3

China's advancement can be attributed to Mao Zedong's emphasis on child education, which turned a largely uneducated population into educated, self-reliant individuals, contributing to the nation's current stature.

Achieving parity with China - South Africa is a complex goal. The nation has made significant strides, as evidenced by the 2023 Global Gender Gap Report, where South Africa improved its score by five percentage points from the previous year, ranking 20th out of 146 countries with a score of 0.787. However, challenges such as gender-based violence, economic disparity, and socio-political issues persist. While the path to full parity is steep, the country's recent progress suggests a hopeful trajectory towards equality. Rewrite with CoPilot Ai

Biography: - When Mao Tse-tung, a prominent Chinese Communist leader, assumed power in China, child education became a significant priority. China faced the immense task of educating over 298 million children, making it the second-largest child population globally. Over two decades, access to education had increased dramatically. 

The plan worked. It started with good education, and the citizens did the rest. And today, we have China. A fabulous contributor to wealth and higher standard of living worldwide. 

I absolutely believe with all my heart and soul that South Africa can do the same. It all starts with good education. Education enables. It gives great power to the receiver.

The citizens of China are committed to their government, which inspires them and generates significant wealth and prosperity within this nation that is part socialist, part capitalist, and part communist.