The WhistleBlower

Support our work recovering the 75 Billion rand ($4 billion USD) in KZN municipal irregular spending that we believe has been used to irregularly purchase land, holiday homes, office space, industrial property and banks in Durban KwaZulu-Natal.  VIGILANT CITIZENS MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE

John Venediger

Next trial date:- Thursday, October 4, 2024  8.30 am. Pinetown Magistrates Court. 

Determining mental fitness to stand trial involves assessing whether the accused has the mental capacity to understand the proceedings and participate in their defense. Here are the key criteria considered:

These criteria ensure that the accused can participate meaningfully in their trial, safeguarding their right to a fair trial. If there are doubts about an accused’s mental fitness, a psychiatric evaluation is typically conducted to provide a professional opinion.

CoPilot Ai:- If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!

Flowers on my driveway verge

Stream in my yard

Sections 77(1) and 78(2) of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 in South Africa deal with the mental state of an accused person during criminal proceedings.

Section 77(1)

This section addresses the situation where an accused person is unable to understand the proceedings due to a mental illness or intellectual disability. 

If the court finds that the accused is not capable of understanding the trial, it may order that the accused be detained in a psychiatric hospital or a prison pending the decision of a judge in chambers.

Section 78(2)

This section pertains to the criminal responsibility of an accused person who, at the time of the commission of the offense, was suffering from a mental illness or intellectual disability. 

If it is found that the accused was not criminally responsible due to their mental state, the court may order that the accused be detained in a psychiatric hospital or a prison, or be released subject to certain conditions.

These provisions ensure that individuals who are not mentally fit to stand trial or who were not responsible for their actions due to mental illness are treated appropriately within the legal system.

I am an activist and  it would be better  for the authorities to focus on the irregular spending in the many departments of government and especially the eThekwini  Durban municipality.

I have done nothing wrong.  It is the Westville Blog that creates an awareness with regards to corruption in our Municipality.  To keep sending me to the Westville prison and to a mental asylum is the wrong thing to do .  This will be the 5th time i have to go for mental observation.  This is using the departments of government to silence the Westville Blog.  The last time i was in the R J Khan hospital they put me in a ward with many young black  men of the age  18 to 25 who were extremely angry, aggressive  and  who violently attacked me  and kicked me in the face.   I could see that there was going to be an attack on me and i jumped off my bed to put my shoes on and when i was bent over they kicked me in the face.  

I am afraid of and dont trust the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court. After the magistrate’s clerk, sitting in front of the magistrate’s podium, gave me a blue paper with the name Detective Sergeant Radebe handwritten on it, I felt uneasy. 

There is a procedure we follow each time just before I walk out of the dock: I ask the prosecutor to write the date and time of the next hearing on a slip of paper and hand it to me. On this occasion, I was also given the blue slip of paper. This felt like the court staff were offering me an alternative way other than following the normal legal courtroom procedures.

This makes me anxious, and I am not sure that the magistrate’s court will deal with me in an honest and truthful manner. I have had the following bad experiences at this courthouse:

I believe these are planned attacks on me because I am an activist raising awareness about irregular spending at the eThekwini Durban municipality. 

Today, during the court hearing, the prosecutor told me that they have or are going to book me into a psychiatric hospital for further analysis. I said i have already undergone analysis four times. It feels to me like the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court is trying to harm me. 

News24: The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has demanded files and documents regarding several multimillion-rand projects that were concluded by Umgeni Water.

The unit has been given the green light to investigate allegations of corruption and maladministration in the affairs of the water board in KwaZulu-Natal, and to recover any financial losses suffered by the state through corruption and negligence.


Somthing is wrong, I dont think this was necessary. I am 74 years old and have never been for a psychiatric evaluation, So while i was in prison they forced me to do 3 psychiatric evaluations at R K Khan Hospital in Chatsworth and a 4th evaluation at the Westville prison. And the resident psychiatric doctor at R K Khan hospital is telling me that he is unable to deal with me and i will need to go to the Fort Napier facility that is far away from Durban for a few months to be assessed.


The Durban eThekwini Municipality. It is the Durban municipality that used the organs of state to attack those who oppose their corrupt behavior. 

As they have done so by using the magistrates courts issuing 3 criminal summonses against me. What the management of this municipality should be doing is finding the 4.3 billion rand (read page 132) that went missing in 2021 according to the South Africa Auditor General's office.

Last week. Damage to my home by the Durban eThekwini municipality.

A willful and purposeful attack on my home by the Durban eThekwini municipality.

IOL: Durban. The far-reaching effects of fraud and corruption, which have placed South Africans and the economy in a vulnerable position, came under scrutiny during a seminar in Durban. 

The Durban Municipality. Auditor-General Tsakani Maluleke tells us that PERPETUAL failure to respect the rule of law and a lack of disciplinary action against errant officials were among the reasons that led to KwaZulu-Natal incurring the country’s highest rate of irregular expenditure, at R9.75 billion, the auditor-general has found.