Definitely worth a listen about the black and white cat

Rishi Sunak. Selected U.K. Prime Minister

Kamala Harris. Vice president of the United States of America

See here 3 & 5 story apartment blocks build on sand dunes along the beach front Durban South Africa.  I wonder where the building inspectors are ? 

Too much money has been spent on luxury beach front holiday homes and apartments. Money that I believe comes out of the finances of this Durban municipality by way of  “Irregular Spending”  and none payment to the South African Receiver of Revenue. That money should have been used for the upliftment / education / trades schools  / teachers training colleges in Kwazulu natal.  And the upliftment of those who live on the steep hillsides surrounding our city of Durban as you see below.  

After all, it is the black people that build the apartments and holiday homes that you see above. But they themselves live in the tin shanties you see below.  

Leaving many of our black citizens with no other means of fending for themselves but involvement in crime will be disastrous.  We have seen what happened in the July insurrection. That was just a friendly warning. Excluding the majority of our citizens from the benefits and a higher standard of living in our land is a recipe for civil war.

Hoodwink. Pulling the wool over a black mans eyes.  

We all know just how easy it is to stick our hands deep inside a black man’s pockets and steal his last few pennies. 

Our good natured and always helpful black citizens bend over backwards to help others. And they absolutely do care about the well-being of other race groups and especially the white people who they understand are a critically important part of the economy.  They do not want South Africa to become another Zimbabwe. It is time to raise the standard of living for our Kwazulu Natal black citizens.