We need the European Union to make a bigger contribution to education in Southern Africa. by John Venediger

Talking to the European Union 7.mp3

We need the European Union to make a bigger contribution to education in southern Africa. by John Venediger. Voiced by Noah 

One of the more serious problems South Africa has to deal with is its location and exclusion from developed nations, and there are no countries nearby that we can learn from or grow our trade with. European nations need to be more active in South Africa and take up a permanent, long-term position.

We need hands-on, long-term, dedicated, and caring participation not only in industry and education but also in the government of South Africa. Participate in the South African government for the long term and lead by example. Just because Africans live in Africa and Europeans live in Europe does not mean that we are worlds apart. We all share planet Earth and absolutely have a common destiny.

An embassy is not enough. A permanent presence in South Africa and in other African nations would be an important contribution from the European Union. The best way to deal with Europe's migrant problem is for Europe to be more active in the countries that the migrants come from.

We need dynamic, caring, and permanent leadership to show and help us find our way forward so that we can grow and become an even more useful contributor to the world economy. If the western nations keep telling themselves, Well, if they cannot do it themselves, then why should we? The answer to that is that we need your expertise and leadership skills hands-on.

Every nationality and race group has different skills and limitations. Leaving Africans to deal with their own problems will mean that Europe will forever have migrants risking the journey trying to find a better future in Europe when those opportunities could be available to them in the countries they live in. Come to South Africa and make a difference.

We are one world. The only planet in the universe with life. The European Union should do more for Africa. Not by way of handing out money. But by making a hands-on, long-term commitment to contribute to raising our standard of living, especially by participating in government and showing us good nation-building,

It is important that we do more for one another. Planet Earth is an anomaly in the universe. We are the only form of life that exists anywhere. And with the use of nuclear weapons, there is a possibility that we may destroy the only form of life there is. Life on Earth is precious and cannot be found anywhere else in the universe, that stretches for millions & millions of light years in all directions. 

We are the masters of the universe, we have a responsibility to one another, and it is we that determine what happens on Earth, who prospers, and who lives and dies. What happens to humanity in the future depends on how we care for each other.

Provincializing African states to the European Union is a good first step. Africans have fallen behind because western nations have left us behind. We believe Africa can become as productive as the industrialized world with caring leadership, patience and reverse the stagnation that has occurred over the last 300 years. To continue to exclude Africans will deny us the opportunity to become equal contributors. 

Where to start ? It starts at home. Most Africans live in poor conditions that they have adapted to. The problem with that is children are brought up in a house with no running water or electricity, and malnutrition is a huge problem that is so devastating to mental and physical growth. 

In most western countries, where families are to poor to educate and feed there own children, there are boarding schools available that offer accommodation, good food, and education.

And that should be our priority for the next 100 years and onward. Doing so will raise the standard of living for Africans and reverse the dreadful decline over the last 300 years. The benefits include a more productive continent that can fend for itself                                                                                 

Copilot Ai, European Commission:  Regarding its partnership with South Africa, here are the key points: