Internet Hackers

Hackers uses their computers to network with other like-minded individuals, develop or purchases malicious software in the dark web that enable them to access your computer or more importantly intercept your data and communication as it passes thru the computers of your ISP (internet service provider). An ISP is the company that you pay for telecommunication (voice) and data service each month. 

Beware of election vote rigging and interference on the line. 

One of the problems with security on line and burglar alarms is wireless communication.  Wireless communication is where your voice, your text messages, and everything else that moves between the transmitter ( your phone or computer ) and the receiver (your phone or computer) can be intercepted and edited.  In-between the "transmitters" and the "receivers" are the computers of the ISP's. The ISP's are internet service providers like Telkom & others, whom we pay each month to deliver our phone calls and messages safely. And it is there where hackers lie in wait for you. 

Dell computers. New or 2nd hand are one of the best computers you can buy. 

If you own a Dell dont forget to use the free Dell driver update service. This will make a wonderful improvement to how your computer functions. Especially if it is one of the older Dell models. 

Reuters:- - The White House on Tuesday along with companies such as Inc (AMZN.O), Alphabet's Google (GOOGL.O) and Best Buy (BBY.N) will announce an initiative that allows Americans to identify devices that are less vulnerable to cyberattacks. 

Hackers and our upcoming election. - 

It is important that the political parties understand just how severe and dangerous the ability of this municipal government empowered computer hackers to effect the politics in our province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. 

The Durban municipality funds  and provides the computers, cell tower simulators, faraday shields to their paid dedicated hackers who are their eyes and ears on line. The municipality provide the equipment and pays them to work from home.

Those computer hackers have played a pivotal role in the astronomical high looting that the Audit General South Africa tell us is happens in our province each year. How do I know this ? I know this because I got it straight from the horses mouth. One of the hackers told me so. If we allow this to continue we will never have a changes of local government in KZN and the high irregular spending will continue.  

Not only is it the job of the hackers to spy on the local citizens but also warn those who are involved in the looting of our municipal finances, 

Can hackers mess with your internet?

By using a technique called DNS (Domain Name Server) hijacking, hackers can breach the security of your home Wi‑Fi and potentially cause you a great deal of harm. They can redirect your traffic to a website run by them, causing you to unwittingly give your credit card number or Facebook login credentials to a criminal.

Demand that your protection service, (anti-virus) app tells you who it was that hacked your device. They will know. And because we pay for their protection, they are obliged to keep the user updated especially with regards to who it was that hacked our device. Especial when someone removes your files/folder out of safe keeping cloud storage. 

What is wireless communication?

As its name suggests, wireless communication is a type of data communication that is transmitted between two or more devices using a wireless signal. Communication is sent through electromagnetic signals from a sender to a receiving device. Wireless communication encompasses all forms of wireless technologies you regularly hear about: satellite communication, mobile communication, wireless network communication, infrared communication, and Bluetooth communication.